Posted in writing

Writing is hard.

What’s this? I’m not writing a review!

Don’t worry, there’s more coming. I read so many books while my internet was down after the hurricane, it wasn’t even funny.

Anyway, writing has been hard as of late. I’m working on a rough draft of a book and I’m dealing with writer’s block. Like hardcore, bashing my head against the wall. It has not been good.

I’m about 100 pages into the book. I don’t write in chronological order, so I have the beginning and the end already. (I like the get the end out of the way pretty early. It helps me feel like I’m working toward something instead of meandering all over the place.) But I’m seriously struggling with the middle.

I think it’s just more of I don’t have enough of the finer plot sketched out yet and I don’t know the characters in that part of the book well enough to get it done. I think I need to do some character exercises and more outlining.

Yeah. Writing is difficult. If it wasn’t, then everyone would be doing it and publishing books left and right.

I want to get this rough draft finished by the end of 2017, although that isn’t looking too good right now. Once I finish it (whenever that might be) I have two rough draft that have been sitting for more then six months that I’m going to go back and give tehm a good strong edit.

What about you guys? Any projects you’re working on?



Posted in Uncategorized

Here we go again.

Wow, it’s been quite a week. Work and then I managed to twist my ankle. Thankfully, it’s not real bad, but still been sore. (It would of been really bad if I had hurt my hands so I couldn’t type.)

So, I’m starting to think a lot of my new blog posts are going to be based off conversations I have with my beta.

Because sometimes I agree with what they say and sometimes, I’m more like… No. But to be safe, I want to get a few other writer’s opinion.

So here we go.

In the scene, there’s two male characters (we’ll call them Joe and Bill). This is how the sentence goes.

“Joe stepped into the room carefully. “Bill,” He greeted with narrowed eyes.”

As the beta responded to this,  The basic rule with pronouns is: They describe the last proper noun. The way this sentence is put together, Bill is saying his own name. I think you mean Joe is saying it.

I personally don’t think so, as I establish in the first sentence that Joe is the speaker. And very rarely do people just say their own name just because.

Anyway, I’m always just curious to hear what other people think.  Does it make sense that Joe is the speaker here? I Mostly want to know because I like a third opinion in life and I think it works out way better that.
